1-on-1 Leadership Training

Leading is Hard, That's Why

We're With You Every Step of the Way

There’s nothing like the difficulty of going it alone. So we make sure you don’t have to. We deliver true 1-on-1 leadership training at its finest. It’s pure undivided attention catered specifically to you and your company’s needs.

Substructure Consulting Group exists for one purpose – to add value to you by growing your leadership. There are a myriad of different ways to do such a task, but we believe the most vital is also the most basic. One-on-one training. And to be honest, it’s the one true way we feel brings lasting change. Sure – seminars, books, podcasts and classes are great. We do and recommend all of those. But our experience has taught us there’s nothing like walking alongside of you in the trenches as we get to know you and your specific leadership style and needs. We deliver a truly personal approach that allows us to deeply serve you in every possible way. Such a bond with our clients has been our recipe for success – not ours of course, but our clients’ success. And nothing makes us more proud than watching you succeed.

Benefits of Our
Personal 1-on-1 Training

  • It's Truly PersonalOne on one. It doesn't get any more hands-on than that. Your sessions with our consultants are dedicated to personally walking with you through the challenges of leading your team and business. Because when you're in the trenches, having someone alongside of you for the journey is priceless.
  • Tailored Training to Your Specific NeedsEvery personality type has unique areas of strengths and weaknesses. We tailor our training to your particular leadership style to maximize the gifts you’ve been hard-wired with so you can tackle the specific needs of your business.
  • Guidance Through Your HurdlesWe walk with you through every obstacle you face to ensure your leadership grows in the midst of the specific challenges of your business. We equip you with principles and tactics that give you the tools to overcome the mountains that stand in your way.
From 'Mom & Pop' to Fortune 500

We Serve Every Size
of Business Out There

We know different size businesses require different ways to handle their operations. Whether you have 1000 employees or just 1, we cater our training to your team’s specific needs so you can leverage your personal leadership style to fit your team’s unique dynamic. And through it all, we deliver the same quality of service to the smaller ‘mom & pop’ as we do to the larger corporation, ensuring we get your leadership dialed in to the needs of your company, no matter it’s size.

Contact us today to schedule a
FREE 30-minute consultation to see
how we can help grow your leadership